Wednesday, December 28, 2022

December Prayer Letter


December 2022

Dear Praying Friends,

A. was saved a few months ago and has grown spiritually ever since. She is a stay-at-home mom and her husband, J., willingly works long hours so that she can do this. They both believe that their biblical responsibility is to raise their one-year-old son in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. They are doing a great job so far!

Because of all the filth that is being taught and promoted in public schools, they both believe that home schooling is their best option. Portuguese law demands that the teacher have at least a bachelor’s degree in education to do this, so J. and A. have been researching how they could do this in the next three to four years before little J. is school age. A. plans to start classes in July toward earning a teaching degree in time to be able to homeschool their little boy.

Please pray for this young family, that God will stretch their limited budget for A.’s education, that God will give her the ability to study as well as care for their little son and that their precious boy would be spared the indoctrination of abominations, violence and immorality that is so prevalent in public schools.

Praying for parents,

Mark Hale