Tuesday, February 23, 2021

February Prayer Letter

February 2021

Dear Praying Friends,

One of the most difficult aspects of the whole Covid situation is not the loss of personal freedoms, is not the governmental overreaches happening on a daily basis and is not the restrictions on churches made by governments supposedly in favor of “freedom of religion”. The most difficult aspect is how quickly God’s own people get used to not having church and not being exposed to God’s word each week. How quickly God’s children become accustomed to the absence of the Bible in their lives.

Many of our church members who used to attend services faithfully, now can’t even be bothered to watch the 200+ videos we have recorded specifically for them. Oh, they watch television, just not the preaching and teaching of God’s word. “Yes, pastor, we just got busy on Sunday and forgot to watch the video…sorry, we will watch it later.” But later never comes. Week after week, month after month, God’s people are slowing starving on a minimal diet of God’s word. Occasionally reading their Bibles, but rarely listening to a sermon or lesson. It is frightening how quickly God’s people have adjusted to life without church services. 

Last year, we wondered if Christians would want to come back to church after having “services in their pajamas” (watching online services or preaching videos from home), now we wonder if they will even bother. Too many Christians have become indifferent to the preaching and teaching of God’s word, even when it is available and just use the Covid situation as a convenient excuse. PLEASE PRAY that Christians all over the globe will recognize this for what it is – a direct assault of Satan against God’s people and that believers will repent of their spiritual laziness and come back in humility to seek fellowship with the Almighty God! The real threat is not wicked governments or even Satan’s attacks, but the real threat is the indifference of God’s people to God’s word. PLEASE PRAY!!

Praying God’s people watch and pray,

Mark Hale

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