Tuesday, June 15, 2021

June Prayer Letter

June 2021
Dear Praying Friends,
80% of the economy here in southern Portugal is based in tourism. When the government shut down the country most of last year, it destroyed the economy here, some businesses shut down permanently, many others were seriously damaged. This year, Portugal continues with the shut downs, quarantines and curfews, effectively destroying a second tourist season and all the jobs with it. A young preacher and his wife lost their jobs last year due to all this but he was able to find temporary work with a construction company for a few months. Earlier this year, he was able to find a job in a Portuguese restaurant but before he was hired, he made it clear to the owner that he could not work on Sundays because he is a Christian and went to church on that day. The skeptical owner agreed. Within just a few weeks however, he was putting enormous pressure on this godly man to work seven days a week and forget about church services on Sunday. When this young preacher refused, the boss became vindictive.
For the last few weeks, this faithful man has seen his salary reduced and delayed for no reason and eventually this week, the boss fired him. Why? Because of his unwavering faith in Christ. While many Portuguese claim to be “Christian” (Catholic), their faith does not affect their dishonest business practices and many hate the true believers who seek to serve honestly and with all their might for the
honor and glory of Christ. This young preacher has a wife and two children, but he is putting his faith in the Lord to provide another job so he can take care of his family and continue to serve the Lord as he has now for many years. Please pray for this man and his family that God would work a miracle and give him a job that allows him to serve the Lord as well as provide for his family.
Trusting in the Lord,


Mark Hale

Update in July:  Thank you for praying! A. has a new job at another restaurant. Praise the Lord!

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