April 2012
Dear Praying Friends,
The elderly farmer and his wife sat forlornly looking over the destruction of their crops. Brown, shriveled and stunted, their winter cabbage and cauliflower plants resembled dirty softballs. Months of drought and extremely low temperatures had wiped out countless hours of back breaking work.
We have witnessed to this couple over the years and slowly gotten better acquainted. We have shared food and time with them and my heart broke to see them there. Slowly, he lifted his head and saw me standing on the edge of his field. The burden of his loss weighing heavily upon him, he struggled with his emotions before he could speak. “It’s all gone…we’ve lost it all. What the cold left, the drought killed.”
The possible bankruptcy of Portugal has had a cascade effect. Jobs are disappearing, the economy is slowing down and taxes continue to increase. Now the weather is forcing many who were barely paying their bills into hunger, despair and financial ruin. Please pray that we will be able to balance the desperate physical needs with the all important spiritual need of each Portuguese. We are praying that through this bleak and hopeless crisis, the apathy of the people here will become a hunger and thirst for salvation in Christ.
Laboring in His fields,
Mark Hale