Monday, May 28, 2018

April Prayer Letter

April 2018

Dear Praying Friends,

She was just looking for a home. She was pregnant and her time was getting near. She wanted some place safe, warm and comfortable when her babies arrived. She found what she thought was the perfect location for her nursery, but the owners had other thoughts.

When the car wouldn’t start, I popped the hood and was disgusted to find rat feces on the engine (never a good sign) and shredded insulation stuffed into the top of the engine.  In spite of my best efforts, the car would not start. We placed a call to the insurance company and an hour later, the tow truck arrived. With some difficulty, we got the rat nursery onto the flat bed and started for the mechanic’s.  On the hour-long journey, God opened doors with Luis and I was able to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with him.  He had lost a daughter as we had and this shared loss gave me a wonderful opportunity to talk about heaven and our only hope – Jesus the Savior.

A week later after almost $200 worth of repairs, the rat returned, avoiding the traps I had set and did more damage and we had a second trip to the mechanic with the help of another tow truck and yet another opportunity to share the gospel.  I am hoping this method of evangelism is not the new norm…! With eight various types of traps set, we are hoping to take care of momma and daddy rat and their babies so our car doesn’t become the scene of another rodent nursery rhyme.

Please pray for Luis, that our conversation and the tract he received will bear fruit and he will be saved.

Thankful for opportunities to witness in spite of the methods,

Mark Hale

March Prayer Letter

March 2018

Dear Praying Friends,

As we prepare to celebrate Easter, I pray this poem is as much a blessing for you to read as it was for me to write.

I’ve killed in war and fight for Rome, I serve my gods and miss my home.
These Jews won’t serve our gods at all but bring a man to Pilate’s hall.
This man they call the King of Jews, His life he is at risk to lose.
Why would they reject their King and not His praise and glory sing?
Now I’ve seen it all.
Pilate wants to set him free, there is no fault that he could see.
But the crowd just wants him dead, they choose a murderer instead.
“Away with him!” their voices ring, Caesar is our only king.
So, Jesus is condemned to die, and in my mind, I wonder why?
Now I’ve seen it all.
We laugh at him and mock his name, we spit on him and do him shame.
We beat him hard, he almost dies, the cross he bears while women cry.
Yet on the hill, he lays right down, and spreads his hands without a sound.
We drive the nails in hands and feet, but on his lips, are words so sweet.
Now I’ve seen it all.
We watch him there between two thieves, we hear His words and one believes.
The darkness comes and He cries out, this is strange, there is no doubt.
I watch him take his final breath, I see him bow his head in death.
I thrust my spear into his side, to make for sure that he has died.
Now I’ve seen it all.
Three days they tell us is enough, to guard his grave and call his bluff.
The stone is sealed, the watch is made, I’ll keep him there with Roman blade.
Three days pass the stone rolls back, the dead came forth and that’s a fact!
No Roman guard, no Roman blade, can hope to keephim in the grave!
Now I’ve seen it all.
I took the money and told the lie, “His disciples stole his body” I cry.
But in my heart, I know he lives, eternal life to me He gives.
And now I serve Him as my Lord, His word to me became my sword.
One day soon, He’ll call me there, but now His cross for me I’ll bear.
Now I’ve seen it all.
They come for me with torches lit, hatred in my face they spit.
One last chance to save my life, embrace the gods and miss this strife.
But I was there when He came out, “He’s alive!” at them I shout.
So now I hang upon a cross, my life for Him is not a loss.
Now I’ve seen it all.
He waits for me with open arms, forever free from pain and harm.
“Well done,” He says with love and grace, “you finished faithfully your race”.
For ever more I’ll sing His praise, to thank Him for amazing grace.
The joys of heaven are for me, the face of Jesus I can see.
Now I’ve seen it all.

Thankful for the risen Savior!

Mark Hale