Thursday, March 14, 2013

March Prayer Letter

March 2013

Dear Praying Friends,

The gray haired Russian grandmother approached me after my lesson with a question.  I showed her two passages in the Bible that gave her the answer she was looking for.  She nodded her head and began to grin from ear to ear.  “Fifty-five years ago when I was a girl, our pastor asked the church this question, but no one could answer it.  Now, I finally know the answer!”

The last two weeks of February, I had the privilege to travel back to Lithuania and Latvia to teach the students of the Bible college as well as pastors and Christian workers from all over the two countries.  I taught a total of 31 hours, preached three times in Lithuanian and Russian Baptist churches and taught a youth meeting.  We had around 75 take part in the classes and it was a joy to see this vital ministry flourishing in spite of the Satanic attacks against it. 

Another great blessing for me back here in Portugal was that during the two Sundays that I was gone, Lenildo Monteiro, a Bible institute student that we have had the privilege to teach for the past two years, preached for me in our church in Lagos.  He did a great job and we are so thankful to have this faithful man serving the Lord here in southern Portugal.  We are praying that in the coming years, the Lord will increase the Bible institute here like He has done back in Lithuania and Latvia. 

Thank you for making it possible for us to serve the Lord here in Europe.

Thanking God for you,

Mark Hale

 Mark teaching in Vilnius

Bro. Lenildo leading the services in Lagos