November 2013
Dear Praying Friends,
Their daughter attended our Vacation Bible School last
June and came home telling her parents, “This has been the best week of my
life!” The entire family began attending our services the following Sunday and
have since only missed a couple of services due to their work schedules.
Both parents have a strong desire to know God and His
word and over the past few months, we have spent many hours after services
talking with them and sharing God’s word to answer their many questions. We could see them coming closer and closer to
the truth and begged God to shine His light into their hearts and reveal
Himself to them.
Those prayers were answered the end of October. The husband was gloriously saved. Grinning from ear to ear he said, “I finally
understand why the Gospel is the good news!
I am saved, not because of anything I could do, but because I accepted
what Christ has already done for me!” His
tearful wife shared “I have been praying for his salvation for so long. I am so thankful that God has saved my
Thank you, so very much, for making it possible for us
to labor here on your behalf and see the Lord save another lost soul!
Bringing in the sheaves,
Mark Hale