Monday, May 19, 2014

May Prayer Letter

May 2014

Dear Praying Friends,

I would like to give you an update on our ministries since so many of you have been praying, giving and participating:

*Sewing for smiles ministry is going full speed ahead.  Michele has now sewn 98 stuffed animals and taken them to our local hospital.  Many of the doctors and nurses now know her by sight and gladly welcome her.  Our church website has had over 80 visits this past month, so the word is spreading about our new church and our love for children and their families. We have received many boxes of material for this ministry and more are on the way.  We are appalled at the cost of postage but are thankful that only one box has been stopped and taxed by the Portuguese customs officials.  We want to thank each one who has given money for us to purchase material here and those who have given to mail the boxes.  Only eternity will reveal what your sacrifices have accomplished!

*The Bible Institute ministries continue to grow.  We have had four new students begin attending in person and continue to have between twenty and thirty international students tuning in live via our UStream broadcasts.  A man in our church in Lagos has begun studying with me each week.  Praise God!

*Our vacation Bible school is coming up in July as well as camp.  The mother of one lost teenager has stated that her son will be going to camp with us because “he needs it”.  How true that is!!  PLEASE pray that God would bless these important upcoming ministries with souls saved and Christians brought into a closer walk with Christ.

Thank you so very much for your faithful prayer and financial support.  We could not be here and continue these ministries without you dear friends!

Working for the night is coming,

Mark Hale