Monday, October 20, 2014

August Prayer Letter

August 2014

Dear Praying Friends,

Thank you so much for your faithful prayers for our vacation Bible school! We had 7 children from our city of Lagos, two were first time visitors.  It was a busy week but blessed by the Lord.  We have new contacts with these families and we discovered during the week, that six of the seven children who attended do not know Jesus as their Savior.  We have much prayerful work ahead of us to reach these precious children and their families for the Lord. 

Earlier this year, I asked for your help with our “Sewing for Smiles” ministry.  So many of you responded with offerings and in sending boxes with fabric remnants that Michele now has enough for the next three years!!  We are truly amazed and humbled by your response to this need.  Thank you so very much!

A mother of one of the girls who attended our VBS recently visited our church and stayed afterwards to ask some very insightful questions.  Please pray for Monica, that she would continue to attend, hear the gospel and be saved. 

Thank you for staying with us through thick and thin.  Thank you for your faithful prayers and financial support.  We count it our honor to be your representatives here in southern Portugal.

Sowing the seed,

Mark Hale