February 2018
Dear Praying Friends,
God has been greatly blessing our church in Lagos and we are seeing solid spiritual growth among the members and numerical growth as visitors have come and stayed!
V. recently said, “I have been saved for 47 years, but have never been in a church like this that teaches and preaches only the word of God!
L. reported that other churches in town that he has attended (that teach false doctrine and traditions of men) despairingly call our church “The church that ONLY teaches the Bible.” That may be an insult to some, but to us, it is a compliment knowing that we have that testimony in our city!
I am now conducting a new members class for the three men who have decided not only to attend services, but to join our church and become active members as we seek to glorify the Lord, edify one another and evangelize the lost.
The three Bible institutes that I teach in two cities continue to see spiritual growth among the men who are attending. It is a great blessing to see these men take the leadership in their homes and churches as a God-given responsibility and it blesses our hearts to see their faithfulness to God and His word!
Thank you for sacrificing in prayers and finances to make this possible. Only eternity will reveal all that you have accomplished here for the Lord!
Rejoicing in the harvest,