They were some of the poorest and least educated in Israel, looked down on by Jewish society and ignored by most, yet God sent His angel to the shepherds with the greatest news the world has ever heard – the birth of the Savior! Why did God choose these men? It wasn’t because of their high level of education, nor was it the thickness of their wallets, nor their acceptance in Jewish society, but rather because of the condition of their hearts.
· They laid aside their fears to search for the new born Messiah Luke 2:8-15
· They trusted God to protect their flock while they found and worshipped the new born King Luke 2:15-16
· In spite of the lack of response, they faithfully witnessed to those in Bethlehem of the birth of the Savior Luke 2:17-18
May this be said of us in 2019! May we lay aside our fears and seek the Savior on a daily basis! May we trust God with all we have in order to worship the King of kings and Lord of lords! May we be faithful witnesses of our Lord Jesus Christ regardless of the response of those who hear the good news.
Thankful for the good tidings of great joy to all people,
Mark Hale