Monday, November 30, 2020

November Prayer Letter

 November 2020


Dear Praying Friends,


The text beeped on Michele’s phone near midnight. It was from a young woman who had made a profession of faith last spring, but over the coming months, she slowly withdrew from contact with our church, missing more and more services until she no longer attended at all. We continued to pray for her and keep in contact when possible, but it looked like we had lost her to the world.


Michele continued to teach her mother with live video classes and her mom continued to attend services when the government didn’t have us in lockdowns. The daughter, however, grew out of reach. That is, until her midnight text changed everything.


“Why can’t I read the Bible and understand anything? Why is my heart so hardened?” She desperately texted. Michele immediately asked to video call her and zeroed in on the question of her salvation.  Michele talked with her for half an hour, sharing the gospel message with this young woman and asked her, “Are you certain you would go to heaven if you died tonight?” The young woman honestly admitted that she did not have that assurance. In the middle of the night, Michele led L. to trust in Christ as her Savior! Please pray for this young lady, that she would take the first steps in her spiritual life, reading her Bible and praying daily and would once again study with Michele in the ongoing video classes my wife teaches.


Thanking God for midnight calls,


Mark Hale