Tuesday, November 30, 2021

November Prayer Letter

November 2021
Dear Praying Friends,
Although Thanksgiving is for all intents and purposes, a forgotten American holiday, it is still a commandment in God’s word found in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” With this in mind I would like to express our deep and heartfelt gratitude to you, our prayer warriors and faithful supporters!
Because of your unceasing prayers on our behalf, hundreds have been saved, lived transformed, preachers called, churches established and victories won. When we ask you to pray, things begin to happen here and the strongholds of Satan begin to crumble. The prayers of God’s people are so very powerful because they go before the throne of the Almighty God! Thank you, each and every one, who spend your limited time in prayer for us, the people we seek to reach and the many ministries we have. We would never have been able to accomplish what has taken place without your unfailing prayers!! Because of your faithful financial support, we have been able to stay on the field when so many have had to return to the States. During financial crises, inflation, skyrocketing taxes and hostile governments, you folks have stuck with us through thick and thin. I am constantly humbled and amazed at how you give sacrificially when the economy, the government and the counsel of the world tells you to hunker down to ride out the storms. Your faith has encouraged us to face the unrelenting attacks of Satan and his servants because we know without faith, it is impossible to please our Lord.
You have blessed and encouraged us and we thank God for your ongoing  sacrifices to keep us here laboring in partnership with you!
So very thankful for every one of you!
Mark Hale