Thursday, December 30, 2021

December Prayer Letter

December 2021

Dear Praying Friends,

At the close of this year, I would like to thank each and every one of you who have sacrificed financially and in prayer to keep us on the field and laboring for souls here in Portugal. Over this year, I asked you to pray for certain people. So many of you have been asking for updates, I felt it was important to share the latest on these precious people:

*89-year-old A. is still hanging on to his empty hope in Catholicism, yet he listens to his nephew, J., when he gives him the gospel and A. asks questions showing he is thinking about what he has heard in spite of his deeply held religious traditions.
*S. was under deep conviction the last few services she attended. She has heard the gospel many times and has asked questions revealing her interest in spiritual matters, but she still refuses to admit that she is a sinner. She has not come to church for a couple of months and has not responded to our efforts to contact her.
*The children of Dr. J. are still sick but we continue to pray for a miracle of healing in their lives as an inescapable testimony of the power of prayer to the Almighty God. Dr. J. still claims he is an atheist, yet he gets teary eyed when I remind him of God’s people all over the world praying for his children.
*M. is ever closer to salvation, asking penetrating questions and listening closely when J. shares the biblical answers.
*L. was gloriously saved last year and has seen some spiritual growth under Michele’s careful discipleship, yet she struggles with many basic biblical concepts and has been influenced by the psychiatric world to think all her problems can be solved by taking prescription sedatives. Please pray she will be delivered from this slavery to narcotics and begin growing spiritually as God desires.
*The young preacher’s wife still keeps one foot in the world and one toe in church but is not the biblical helpmeet God wants her to be. Please pray she will repent and be the woman God has created her to be.

Praying with you for them,

Mark Hale