Monday, February 28, 2022

February Prayer Letter

February 2022

Dear Praying Friends,

It was just past midnight, and all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring, except for my spouse.
“Just one more thing,” she promised herself,
“Then it’s to bed, for the sake of my health.”

While I lay sleeping, just a few yards away,
She mounted that ladder, but not the right way.
The crash was loud, and grew even louder,
Echoing inside, like a bomb of gun powder.

I jumped out of bed, and ran toward the clamor,
Wishing for a gun, a knife or a hammer.
But no intruder, had entered our house,
It was my sweetheart, my night owl spouse.

She lay on the floor, with the ladder and stuff,
Gravity had won, but my wife is still tough.
I helped her up slowly, looking for clues,
But thank God she made it, with only a bruise!

No midnight tasks, await her again,
She’s promised the ladder, to correctly extend.
I want to thank, everyone one of you,
For praying for us, as you faithfully do.

I’m thanking our God, for my precious wife,
For keeping her safe, and sparing her life!
So Michele, if there’s one more task,
Please wake me up, you just have to ask!!

Thankful for God’s protection,

Mark Hale