December 2023
Dear Praying Friends,
He took the pastorate of the church but quickly realized that he had to make a very hard decision. Continue receiving a salary from the church but stop sending support to their missionaries, or get a full-time job while still pastoring the church so the missionaries would get their promised support. He made a very difficult choice; he got a full-time job so his missionaries would receive their monthly support and continues doing so to this day. He is one of my heroes!
She lost her husband years ago, downsized to a smaller house and continues to work, save and send support to missionaries. She is faithful to pray as well as give sacrificially so the missionaries can labor for the Lord. She is one of my heroes!
He started the church in one of the most difficult areas in America. For decades, he worked full time jobs while pastoring the small church and leading the congregation to support missionaries even though the church couldn’t yet pay him a salary. Finally, the church grew to the point of paying him a full time salary as well as supporting their missionaries. He is one of my heroes!
She was widowed a couple of years ago, but determined that she would continue to pray and give to missionaries just as she and her godly husband had done for decades. She faithfully sacrifices every month, constantly prays for her missionaries and lays up treasure in heaven. She is one of my heroes!
There are so many folks just like the four in this letter, who sacrifice and pray unseen by anyone except the Lord. They labor for God and are instrumental in so many souls being saved and so many victories won! They are the unsung heroes in many churches and they will one day hear from the Lord Jesus Christ, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant...enter thou into the joy of thy Lord!”
Thanking God for heroes,
Mark Hale