January 2023
Dear Praying Friends,
He leaned forward on the sofa and said, “I would like to ask you a philosophical question. When we die, will we see our loved ones again?” I answered him, “That all depends on two things, first, if you have accepted Christ as your Savior and second, if they did before they died.” He nodded and said, “I know I have Jesus as my Savior, so I know I will go to heaven when I die.” But then he grew quiet and pulled a handkerchief from his pocket, dabbing at his eyes. He couldn’t say the same for the loved ones he was referring to. “B” is an older gentleman, well educated, successful and very intelligent who chose to retire in southern Portugal with his dear wife. As he grows older, his thoughts about life and eternity become ever more serious. I thank God “B” knows Christ as his Savior, but my heart breaks for those in his family who may have died without the Lord.
D. is an older lady whose husband recently suffered a stroke. Michele visited with her to see if we could help. In their conversation, she brought up her daughter who went home to be with the Lord a few years ago. “Do you think I will ever get to see my daughter again?” Her sadness was palpable. Michele responded, “If you confess your sins and trust only in Christ as your Savior, then yes, you will see her again since she is in heaven.” Donna protested “But I am not a sinner, I am a good person.” “But have you ever done anything that you knew was wrong?” Michele asked. D. bowed her head and confessed, “Yes, I have.” D. knows the gospel but has a problem admitting she is a sinner and incapable of earning her way to heaven.
Two people with the same question but from opposite ends of the spectrum. Please pray for “B” that God would comfort his heart and please pray for D., that she would repent and trust in Christ while she has life.
Thanking God for our hope in Christ,
Mark Hale