Friday, September 29, 2023

September Prayer Letter

September 2023

Dear Praying Friends,

Sometimes it takes a special event to get the lost to darken the doors of our church. Recently Michele and the church ladies hosted a baby shower for Alexandra, one of our young mothers. I had the joy of leading Alexandra to Christ a year ago and she has been actively witnessing to her lost family and trying to get them to come to church with her, her husband and small son. Until the baby shower, none of them would come. But Michele had the joy of giving a devotion to these lost ladies and they listened quietly as she shared the gospel with them.


Please remember these lost women in prayer whenever God lays them on your heart. Only the Holy Spirit can penetrate their sin blinded hearts and we are praying for that miracle! Our 2,000-year-old city of Lagos is the center of witchcraft in southern Portugal, so this is a very dark and hardened city; yet God loves every one of the people here and desires to save them! Please pray with us for these lost souls.


Reflecting His light into the darkness,


Mark Hale

Our church ladies and guests.