Saturday, July 19, 2014

July Prayer Letter

July 2014

Dear Praying Friends,

Four years ago, our son, Joshua, befriended two neighborhood boys (Igor and Cris) and faithfully witnessed to them.  Cris got saved two years ago in our first Vacation Bible School and still attends services.  Igor attended our services faithfully for a while, but under the influence of his devout Catholic grandmother, he gradually became cold and hostile.  He came to services occasionally until he felt the Holy Spirit’s conviction and then avoided us for months at a time.  Our son, Joshua, continued to invite him and try to be a true friend in spite of the insults and obscenities Igor threw his way.  Surprisingly, Igor agreed to come to camp with us last week.

The first night of camp, I preached a simple salvation message and when I gave the invitation, Igor was among those who came forward to accept Christ!!!  15 precious young people were saved during camp!!!  PRAISE GOD!!!  The missionaries were united in their desire to glorify God and to see souls saved; and oh, how God blessed!!  I knew you were praying, I could feel the presence and power of God during each one of my sermons!!  Thank you so very much for your labors in prayer! 

We are humbled and thrilled to be a part of this harvest and to see our beloved Igor finally come to Christ!!  We want to thank each one of you who have prayed for this young man for the past four years!  He is fruit to your account!!

Please remember our upcoming Vacation Bible School.  We long to see more souls saved and families reached!

Praising God and thanking you,

Mark Hale


Igor (wearing the red bandana)

June Prayer Letter

June 2014

Dear Praying Friends,

Sometimes we don’t see the forest for the trees.  We focus on one thing and miss other equally important things.  We look at what we don’t have and lose sight of what we do.

Recently in one of our Bible Institute classes, I was talking about how discouraging it can be to pray and labor, then pray and labor more and still not have much to show for your efforts.  I was commenting on the apathy and hostility we face in Lagos in our efforts to reach the lost of this 2,000 year old city. 

Jan looked at me strangely for a moment and then quietly said, “But Pastor Mark, if you had not come here, I wouldn’t be saved, and more importantly, my daughter, Anna, wouldn’t be saved!  Her being saved means more to me than my own life.  How can you put a price on one soul, let alone two?”

I immediately realized my mistake.  Instead of focusing on those who have been saved, I was focusing on the many which still reject Christ.  I am thankful for Jan and his new found faith.  I am thankful for those who have accepted Christ and for our small young church here in this ancient, darkened city.  I am also very thankful for those of you, who in spite of world economic crises and the resulting financial pressures, still keep your promises and support our ministries in prayer and finances!  It is so easy to focus on those who haven’t and not be truly thankful for those who have!

Thank you for your sacrifices, thank you for your faithfulness, thank you for staying with us through thick and thin.  Every soul saved, every life changed is fruit to your account!

Grateful for you,

Mark Hale