Tuesday, July 25, 2017

May Prayer Letter

May 2017

Dear Praying Friends,

She was having a very difficult time letting go of her religious past.  Her parents had told her for years that she was going to heaven as a result of being sprinkled as an infant; but why then, was she so filled with doubt?  Why was she so afraid of dying?  If what her parents and their church said were true, why did she feel so empty and depressed?

That is when God brought a Christian friend into her life.  She saw the real peace that he had in Christ and knew that was exactly what she so desperately wanted!  He kept inviting her to church, but she always found an excuse.  That is, until that Sunday when she finally decided to attend one of our church services.

She was cool when I introduced myself and sang the hymns with about as much enthusiasm as a child waiting to see the dentist about a cavity.  The message I preached compared the Passover lamb in Exodus with Christ, the Lamb of God.  She listened with undivided attention as I explained from the Scriptures how every person could be saved.  After the service, I had the privilege of leading this precious lady to Christ!  As she finished the sinner’s prayer and looked up, for the first time in almost 40 years, she had peace.  What had eluded her for so many years in a religious ritual was now hers for all eternity because of Christ!!

Please pray for Natalie as she begins her new life in Christ.

Reaping the harvest, one eternal soul at a time,

Mark Hale

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