Tuesday, June 18, 2019

April Prayer Letter

April 2019

Dear Praying Friends,

He watched the suspicious man slowly walking by and instinctively knew something was wrong. He lost sight of the man for a few moments, but the breaking of glass was all the warning he needed. Yelling for his wife to call the police, he ran next door to his neighbours’ house and found the broken window where the thief had entered.  Inside, realizing he had been discovered, the thief broke a back window and tried to run away with his hastily gathered loot. A. (a young preacher in our church) jumped on his motorcycle and rode after the man as he disappeared into the woods. Three hours later, after being chased relentlessly, the exhausted thief ran into a police barricade and was arrested. 

In spite of the fact that the loot was recovered in his possession, his fingerprints were all over the neighbours’ house and an eye witness testified about his crime, the thief was released the next day because he was a “first time offender”.  This is how messed up the P. justice system is: They allow a thief to go free but convict a Christian man for “psychological abuse” for witnessing to his lost wife! Are things getting worse? Not really.

2,000 years ago, a thief/murderer was released but the Holy, Sinless Son of God was unjustly condemned and crucified!  Not much has changed in all this time. The world still turns a blind eye to real crimes but angrily condemns those who only seek to follow Christ. As we remember the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, may we also remember that true justice will only come when King Jesus rules this earth. Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus! 

Looking for His return,

Mark Hale

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