Monday, December 16, 2019

November Prayer Letter

November 2019

Dear Praying Friends,

He was loud, proud and stubborn, constantly refusing to submit before the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior. Instead he insisted he had to do good works to earn his way to heaven. He occasionally attended services at our church but sat in the back loudly sighing whenever eternal security or the all sufficiency of Christ was preached. He even came to a few of our Bible Institute classes but eventually left in anger when confronted by the biblical truth that only through the completed work of Christ on the cross can anyone be saved and kept saved.

He died during the night two weeks ago, his face a frozen mask of terror, his eyes staring into the horror of what he saw in his last moments of life. Sadly, we know where he is and that he now knows that only Christ could save; but it is far too late for him.  Our hearts are grieved for this man and so many others down through the years who rejected Christ’s salvation until their deaths.

Praise the Lord, in the last two weeks, four adults have been saved as a result of this tragedy! Family and friends were all shocked and God used this unexpected death to bring reluctant adults to Christ! Only God could use this horrible situation to bring these four to His Son.  Praise His name!!

Please pray for his lost wife, Ana, that she would come to Christ before it is eternally too late.

Working for the night is coming,

Mark Hale

Brother Aristarco preaching at the funeral.

A group photo after a Sunday morning service. 
The man in the pink sweater accepted Christ that day.
The young lady standing fourth from the right is another one 
of the four who have been saved recently.

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