January 2021
Dear Praying Friends,
He had cost them millions in illicit revenue and had repeatedly exposed their hypocrisy and corruption for all to see. They hated him and wanted him dead, but even that was not enough. They wanted his reputation destroyed along with his life so none of his many followers would flock to his banner again.
They schemed and planned and put their national deception into play and succeeded. They got their enemy with the help of a bribed false friend. They illegally arrested and convicted him and rigged the trial the next day to have him condemned and executed as a criminal. His followers were devastated, they thought he would rule for years to come and that they would rule with him. Instead, their leader was dead, all hope was gone.
If you thought I was writing about President Trump, you were wrong. This happened 2,000 years ago to our Savior. When the evil, powerful leaders had their way, they thought they had won. Their enemy was dead, his reputation destroyed, his tomb guarded by the most powerful army in the world. Yet on the third day, the Roman soldiers fell in fear, the stone was rolled away and Jesus came forth triumphant over death and hell!!
Yes, it seems that evil has won but this is not the end. Jesus already wrote the end of the story: “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
Working for the night is coming but listening for the trumpet,
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