Monday, March 22, 2021

March Prayer Letter

 March 2021


Dear Praying Friends,


It is hard to believe it has been a year since the first quarantine. Portugal continues with its arbitrary rules and inconsistent lockdowns. For the last couple of months, people are allowed out during the work week but are locked down on Saturdays and Sundays. I guess in Portugal, the Covid virus is only contagious on weekends… Restaurants are allowed to offer take-out food but cannot sell beverages with those meals. I suppose the Covid virus in only contagious in drinks and not in food… The Portuguese government has decreed that these restrictions will continue until at least after Easter when they will “re-evaluate” things. (Given their track record, they will continue to lock the country down until only God knows when.)  So, for months now, our church has only been able to meet on Wednesday evenings but our members are so thankful to be able to meet in person after so many months apart!


In spite of our frustrations at the confusing and illogical rules the government has imposed on us, God is still on His throne!  A year ago, we started making videos for our church members. Every Wednesday they had a video as I preached through the book of Proverbs and every Sunday, a video as I preached through the book of Matthew. But what none of us could foresee, was the scope of this ministry in the hands of God!! Word spread and others began requesting the links and soon I was preaching in English as well as Portuguese four times a week. As of the writing of this letter, we have recorded over 210 videos and they have been viewed by people in ten countries: The United States, Great Britain, Holland, Germany, Czech Republic, Portugal, Latvia, Lithuania, Brazil and Columbia. 


To God be the glory!!


In awe of our Lord,

Mark Hale

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