November 2014
Dear Praying Friends,
She survived the Normandy landings as a child and has
fond memories of Americans rescuing them from the Nazis. That is why over two years ago, G. began taking the free English classes our church offered. She also began attending our church services
as well and has been faithfully coming and listening to God’s word ever
She is a committed Roman Catholic as was her
family. There are times when she sees
“similarities” in our doctrines but recently, she has been seeing the
differences. After Sunday services, she
was talking with a couple of our folks and one man mentioned his lost uncle
saying, “If my uncle continues in his rejection of Christ, he will die and go
to hell.” G.became agitated and
loudly said, “You cannot say that, no one knows where people go after they die,
only God!” The man continued, “Yes, that
is true, but if my uncle dies still rejecting Christ as his Savior, he will go
to hell.” G. became silent for a moment and then said, “If I believed that, then I would have to say
that all of my family is in hell.”
There are times when the truth of the gospel is so
painful that some turn away in a blind attempt to avoid the eternal destiny of
their departed love ones. Only God knows
for certain the eternal destiny of every person who has died, so we continue to
warn the living that there are no second chances after death. The Bible declares: Now is the day of salvation, now is the
accepted time. Please pray that G. will see past the possibility of her family being in hell and embrace the love
of Christ and accept His salvation before she faces eternity without Christ.
A light on a hill,
Mark Hale
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