Thursday, December 30, 2021

December Prayer Letter

December 2021

Dear Praying Friends,

At the close of this year, I would like to thank each and every one of you who have sacrificed financially and in prayer to keep us on the field and laboring for souls here in Portugal. Over this year, I asked you to pray for certain people. So many of you have been asking for updates, I felt it was important to share the latest on these precious people:

*89-year-old A. is still hanging on to his empty hope in Catholicism, yet he listens to his nephew, J., when he gives him the gospel and A. asks questions showing he is thinking about what he has heard in spite of his deeply held religious traditions.
*S. was under deep conviction the last few services she attended. She has heard the gospel many times and has asked questions revealing her interest in spiritual matters, but she still refuses to admit that she is a sinner. She has not come to church for a couple of months and has not responded to our efforts to contact her.
*The children of Dr. J. are still sick but we continue to pray for a miracle of healing in their lives as an inescapable testimony of the power of prayer to the Almighty God. Dr. J. still claims he is an atheist, yet he gets teary eyed when I remind him of God’s people all over the world praying for his children.
*M. is ever closer to salvation, asking penetrating questions and listening closely when J. shares the biblical answers.
*L. was gloriously saved last year and has seen some spiritual growth under Michele’s careful discipleship, yet she struggles with many basic biblical concepts and has been influenced by the psychiatric world to think all her problems can be solved by taking prescription sedatives. Please pray she will be delivered from this slavery to narcotics and begin growing spiritually as God desires.
*The young preacher’s wife still keeps one foot in the world and one toe in church but is not the biblical helpmeet God wants her to be. Please pray she will repent and be the woman God has created her to be.

Praying with you for them,

Mark Hale

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

November Prayer Letter

November 2021
Dear Praying Friends,
Although Thanksgiving is for all intents and purposes, a forgotten American holiday, it is still a commandment in God’s word found in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” With this in mind I would like to express our deep and heartfelt gratitude to you, our prayer warriors and faithful supporters!
Because of your unceasing prayers on our behalf, hundreds have been saved, lived transformed, preachers called, churches established and victories won. When we ask you to pray, things begin to happen here and the strongholds of Satan begin to crumble. The prayers of God’s people are so very powerful because they go before the throne of the Almighty God! Thank you, each and every one, who spend your limited time in prayer for us, the people we seek to reach and the many ministries we have. We would never have been able to accomplish what has taken place without your unfailing prayers!! Because of your faithful financial support, we have been able to stay on the field when so many have had to return to the States. During financial crises, inflation, skyrocketing taxes and hostile governments, you folks have stuck with us through thick and thin. I am constantly humbled and amazed at how you give sacrificially when the economy, the government and the counsel of the world tells you to hunker down to ride out the storms. Your faith has encouraged us to face the unrelenting attacks of Satan and his servants because we know without faith, it is impossible to please our Lord.
You have blessed and encouraged us and we thank God for your ongoing  sacrifices to keep us here laboring in partnership with you!
So very thankful for every one of you!
Mark Hale

Sunday, October 31, 2021

October Prayer Letter

October 2021
Dear Praying Friends,
“Have you ever lied?” J. asked and the man simply nodded his head. “Have you ever stolen?” he continued; once again the man nodded sheepishly. “So have I” J. said, “so that means that you are a sinner just like I am and you need the only Savior just like I did!” The man, under the conviction of the Holy Spirit, confessed that he needed to be saved, nodded his head, repented of his sin and put his trust in Christ alone for salvation!
For the past seven years since he was saved, J. has been trying to win to Christ his family, friends, acquaintances and even strangers. He has suffered for his faithful witnessing; friends and family members have rejected him and called him insane. J. was unjustly convicted in a Portuguese court of “psychological abuse” and condemned to two and a half years in prison for the “crime” of pleading with his lost wife to be saved and warning her of the eternal consequences of rejecting Christ. But he never gave up trying to reach the lost around him and God blessed his years of labor by allowing him to lead his first soul to Christ!!
Needless to say, he is humbled and thrilled all at the same time! He also has asked us to pray for another man whom he has witnessed to recently. This man’s name is M. M. lives not far from J. and has been very open to the gospel, asking thoughtful questions and listening to John’s scriptural answers. Please pray with us for M., that he would soon come to Christ and J. will have another reason to rejoice over an eternal soul snatched from the fires of hell!
Rejoicing over the one but praying for more,
Mark Hale


Monday, September 27, 2021

September Prayer Letter

 September 2021

Dear Praying Friends,

Dr. J. has helped me and many others down through the years. I have tried to share the gospel with him, but as an atheist, he shuts down any conversation about God, prayer or the Bible. Over the years, he has tried to use his intellect to explain away things he has no answers for; that is until recently.

I entered his office and immediately, he asked me as a pastor, if I believed in the power of prayer. I told him that of course I did because I believe in the power of the Almighty God. Shaking and struggling for words, he shared that his five-year-old daughter has an infection that no medical treatment has been able to cure and now his nine-month-old son has respiratory difficulties that the doctors cannot alleviate. He confessed that in desperation, he had gone to a charismatic “healing service” only to leave after a few minutes when he recognized it for the sham it was. He tried to dismiss all churches because of the religious con artists he had seen, but the father in him is desperate and seeking help for his beloved children that the medical profession cannot give.

I promised that we would pray for his children to be healed. We would love to see God heal these precious children so that Dr. J. would know that God exists and cares about him and his entire family. Please pray with us that God would do what no doctor can and that Dr. J. would understand that there truly is a God who loves him and wants to save him and his family.

Praying for miracles and salvations,


Mark Hale

Monday, August 30, 2021

August Prayer Letter

 August 2021

 Dear Praying Friends,

 Last month, I asked you to pray for three people and I wanted to give you an update on them so you can see how God is responding to your prayers:

 A. is still under conviction for his sin but in reaction to the guilt he is feeling for his sin, he is pushing away his nephew, John. He insists that he is satisfied with his Catholicism but reluctantly admits he has no peace nor joy. Please continue to pray for this 89-year-old man. He is under conviction from the Holy Spirit and it is evident that God is working in his heart to bring him to salvation.

 S. continues to come to services, more and more! She listens intently to every message and stays afterwards listening to conversations about the Word of God, salvation, sin and many other subjects. She is growing ever closer to salvation!  Her stepmother passed away a few weeks ago and our church was able to help her and her father during this difficult time. She told us that she and her stepmother read the Bible together every day the final two weeks before her mom’s death. Please continue to pray for S., that she would truly understand her sinful condition and the salvation of the Lord that awaits her when she repents of her sin and believes in Christ as her only way to heaven.

 The young preacher’s wife has returned to attending church services but she stubbornly refuses to submit to the Lord’s call upon her husband. She confessed that she just hopes he will abandon the call of God like others have so she won’t have to be a pastor’s wife. She hides behind her fear and inadequacies to justify her rebellion against God’s will for their family. Please continue to pray for this young woman, that she will truly submit to the Lord and His perfect will for their lives and that she will quit comparing herself to others and only compare herself with the Lord Jesus Christ.

 Continuing to pray with you,

 Mark Hale

Thursday, July 29, 2021

July Prayer Letter

July 2021

Dear Praying Friends,

He is 89 years old and not in good health. He has heard the truth from his nephew, John, but continues to question the gospel. “Surely, my religious activities should count for something”; “Surely God would let me into heaven because I am a good man” and his questions go on and on. Please pray for Anthony, that he would understand that no one could ever do enough good works to earn a place in Heaven, that only the accomplished work of Christ on the cross is sufficient to save all sinners and give them a place in Heaven. Please pray for John as he faithfully witnesses to his family.

She is a young woman who is searching for truth. Her friend, L., was gloriously saved last fall when Michele led her to Christ. Now L. is bringing her friend, S., to church. She carefully listens to every message and asked for a Bible to read. She takes a different gospel tract after every service and is truly seeking God and His word. Please pray that S. would understand she is a sinner and come to Christ for salvation.

She is the wife of a young preacher, but has grown distant and cold. She hasn’t read her Bible in a year, has ignored the hundreds of videos we have recorded during the Covid lockdowns, is skipping services and now is influencing her daughter to backslide as well. Her husband is a faithful but heartbroken man and he is begging God to bring his wife to repentance and restoration. Please pray for this family!

I know you pray and after 36 years as a missionary, I know God answers your faithful prayers, so I thank you in advance for your bringing these precious people before the throne of the Almighty God.

Praying without ceasing,

Mark Hale

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

June Prayer Letter

June 2021
Dear Praying Friends,
80% of the economy here in southern Portugal is based in tourism. When the government shut down the country most of last year, it destroyed the economy here, some businesses shut down permanently, many others were seriously damaged. This year, Portugal continues with the shut downs, quarantines and curfews, effectively destroying a second tourist season and all the jobs with it. A young preacher and his wife lost their jobs last year due to all this but he was able to find temporary work with a construction company for a few months. Earlier this year, he was able to find a job in a Portuguese restaurant but before he was hired, he made it clear to the owner that he could not work on Sundays because he is a Christian and went to church on that day. The skeptical owner agreed. Within just a few weeks however, he was putting enormous pressure on this godly man to work seven days a week and forget about church services on Sunday. When this young preacher refused, the boss became vindictive.
For the last few weeks, this faithful man has seen his salary reduced and delayed for no reason and eventually this week, the boss fired him. Why? Because of his unwavering faith in Christ. While many Portuguese claim to be “Christian” (Catholic), their faith does not affect their dishonest business practices and many hate the true believers who seek to serve honestly and with all their might for the
honor and glory of Christ. This young preacher has a wife and two children, but he is putting his faith in the Lord to provide another job so he can take care of his family and continue to serve the Lord as he has now for many years. Please pray for this man and his family that God would work a miracle and give him a job that allows him to serve the Lord as well as provide for his family.
Trusting in the Lord,


Mark Hale

Update in July:  Thank you for praying! A. has a new job at another restaurant. Praise the Lord!

Monday, May 31, 2021

May Prayer Letter


May 2021

Dear Praying Friends,

The seventh son of a seventh son, he was born into extreme poverty at the end of the Great Depression. To help his family survive, he was a shoe shine boy in town, shining the shoes of others while he didn’t have his first pair of shoes until he was six years old. The son of East Kentucky sharecroppers, his life was shaped by the unending struggle to survive. His mother died when he was 12 so he had to quit school to work full time. He never finished 8th grade, yet he kept on learning and was one of the wisest men I ever knew. 

When he was a teenager, my father was gloriously saved. He met my mom at a church youth activity and they later married and had three children. My dad taught me three important things: 1. Love God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength 2. Love your family and provide for them no matter what that costs you.  3. Do your best when you work even if your boss isn’t watching, because God is!  Even though he struggled to read, he faithfully read his Bible three times a day for as long as I knew him. He taught me to tithe and give to missions, he taught me to serve to please God, not to be seen by others. He taught me God’s way is the best way. He taught me by example, not just words.

When I was preparing to leave for the mission field for the first time in 1985, it dawned on me that answering God’s call meant we would be separated more than together and I apologized for that. My dad, simply said, “Mark, I would rather have you 10,000 miles away in the center of God’s will than living right next door out of God’s will, besides, we have all eternity together in heaven to be glad we did this God’s way.”  He was right.  I thank God for my father and the lessons both positive and negative that he taught me even till his dying days. He went home to be with the Lord May 28th after 82 years of life.

Arnold Ray Hale 1939-2021


See you in Heaven Dad,

Mark Hale

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

April Prayer Letter

April 2021 

Dear Praying Friends,

Last November, I wrote you about a young woman who Michele was able to lead to the Lord in a midnight video call. Thank you for praying for L., she has continued to grow spiritually, asks many good questions and has set a goal for herself of reading through her Bible in the next year or so.  She has also been taking part in the online classes my wife, Michele has been teaching for the ladies.

Recently, Michele was teaching this ladies’ class when L. came online and joined the group. Not only did she participate, but she brought a lost friend whom she had been witnessing to. The young woman listened carefully as Michele taught the class and even asked some very insightful questions. Sadly, when Michele questioned her on her eternal destiny, the young woman confessed she was not yet ready to believe in Christ.

Although it was heartbreaking to see this lost young lady end the class in rejection of Christ and His salvation, we are encouraged that L. is witnessing to her lost friends and acquaintances and seeking to bring them to Christ. It is always a big step in a young believer’s life, when he or she begins to witness to lost friends. These young believers face rejection and isolation for their boldness so please continue to pray for L., that she will keep on sharing her faith with those whom she knows.

Thank you for making this possible!

Mark Hale

Monday, March 22, 2021

March Prayer Letter

 March 2021


Dear Praying Friends,


It is hard to believe it has been a year since the first quarantine. Portugal continues with its arbitrary rules and inconsistent lockdowns. For the last couple of months, people are allowed out during the work week but are locked down on Saturdays and Sundays. I guess in Portugal, the Covid virus is only contagious on weekends… Restaurants are allowed to offer take-out food but cannot sell beverages with those meals. I suppose the Covid virus in only contagious in drinks and not in food… The Portuguese government has decreed that these restrictions will continue until at least after Easter when they will “re-evaluate” things. (Given their track record, they will continue to lock the country down until only God knows when.)  So, for months now, our church has only been able to meet on Wednesday evenings but our members are so thankful to be able to meet in person after so many months apart!


In spite of our frustrations at the confusing and illogical rules the government has imposed on us, God is still on His throne!  A year ago, we started making videos for our church members. Every Wednesday they had a video as I preached through the book of Proverbs and every Sunday, a video as I preached through the book of Matthew. But what none of us could foresee, was the scope of this ministry in the hands of God!! Word spread and others began requesting the links and soon I was preaching in English as well as Portuguese four times a week. As of the writing of this letter, we have recorded over 210 videos and they have been viewed by people in ten countries: The United States, Great Britain, Holland, Germany, Czech Republic, Portugal, Latvia, Lithuania, Brazil and Columbia. 


To God be the glory!!


In awe of our Lord,

Mark Hale

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

February Prayer Letter

February 2021

Dear Praying Friends,

One of the most difficult aspects of the whole Covid situation is not the loss of personal freedoms, is not the governmental overreaches happening on a daily basis and is not the restrictions on churches made by governments supposedly in favor of “freedom of religion”. The most difficult aspect is how quickly God’s own people get used to not having church and not being exposed to God’s word each week. How quickly God’s children become accustomed to the absence of the Bible in their lives.

Many of our church members who used to attend services faithfully, now can’t even be bothered to watch the 200+ videos we have recorded specifically for them. Oh, they watch television, just not the preaching and teaching of God’s word. “Yes, pastor, we just got busy on Sunday and forgot to watch the video…sorry, we will watch it later.” But later never comes. Week after week, month after month, God’s people are slowing starving on a minimal diet of God’s word. Occasionally reading their Bibles, but rarely listening to a sermon or lesson. It is frightening how quickly God’s people have adjusted to life without church services. 

Last year, we wondered if Christians would want to come back to church after having “services in their pajamas” (watching online services or preaching videos from home), now we wonder if they will even bother. Too many Christians have become indifferent to the preaching and teaching of God’s word, even when it is available and just use the Covid situation as a convenient excuse. PLEASE PRAY that Christians all over the globe will recognize this for what it is – a direct assault of Satan against God’s people and that believers will repent of their spiritual laziness and come back in humility to seek fellowship with the Almighty God! The real threat is not wicked governments or even Satan’s attacks, but the real threat is the indifference of God’s people to God’s word. PLEASE PRAY!!

Praying God’s people watch and pray,

Mark Hale

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

January Prayer Letter


January 2021

Dear Praying Friends,

He had cost them millions in illicit revenue and had repeatedly exposed their hypocrisy and corruption for all to see. They hated him and wanted him dead, but even that was not enough. They wanted his reputation destroyed along with his life so none of his many followers would flock to his banner again.

They schemed and planned and put their national deception into play and succeeded. They got their enemy with the help of a bribed false friend. They illegally arrested and convicted him and rigged the trial the next day to have him condemned and executed as a criminal.  His followers were devastated, they thought he would rule for years to come and that they would rule with him. Instead, their leader was dead, all hope was gone.

If you thought I was writing about President Trump, you were wrong. This happened 2,000 years ago to our Savior. When the evil, powerful leaders had their way, they thought they had won. Their enemy was dead, his reputation destroyed, his tomb guarded by the most powerful army in the world. Yet on the third day, the Roman soldiers fell in fear, the stone was rolled away and Jesus came forth triumphant over death and hell!! 

Yes, it seems that evil has won but this is not the end. Jesus already wrote the end of the story: “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

Working for the night is coming but listening for the trumpet, 

Mark Hale